Es · De · En

A number of books and publications about Jorge Rando can be found in the world’s top libraries, such as the Library of Congress in Washington, Yale University Library, the Cleveland Museum of Art, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, Princeton University Library, the National Library of Spain, Institut national d’histoire de l’art in Paris, Columbia College in Chicago, Sächsische Landesbibliothek, Universitätsbibliothek Dresden, Oxford University Library, Cambridge University Library, Universidad Complutense in Madrid, Universidad Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, University of Málaga, the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, the School of Arts at Xiangtan University, the Fine Arts College of Chengdu or the Beijing Fine Art Academy, among others. 

His works and catalogues have been translated into English, German and Chinese. 

- Maximus - Minimus. Miniatures, Jorge Rando. Carmen Pallarés. Jakaraeditores, Málaga, 2021.

- Mediterranean Sun. Sichuan Museum of Art, Chengdu, 2019. Text by Rafael Dezcallar de Mazarredo, Vanesa Diez Barriuso, Wu Hongliang, Jorge Rando, Gong Renjun and Francisco de la Torre Prados. 

- Jorge Rando – The Light of the Mediterranean Comes to China. Qi Baishi Memorial Hall, Xiangtan, 2019. Text by Rafael Dezcallar de Mazarredo, Vanesa Diez Barriuso, Wu Hongliang, Armando Jiménez, Wang Qizhi, Jorge Rando, Heike Stockhaus and Chen Xiaoqi. 

- Butterflies. Jorge Rando Foundation, Málaga, 2019. Text by Vanesa Diez Barriuso, Carmen Pallarés and Jorge Rando.

- Spirituality and Humanism in the Work of Jorge Rando. JIMÉNEZ S., Armando, Síntesis, Madrid, 2018.

- Encounter Qi Baishi – Jorge Rando. Jorge Rando Foundation, Málaga, 2018. Text by Qi Baishi, Vanesa Diez Barriuso, Armando Jiménez S., Jorge Rando and Pablo Serrato Díaz. 

- Natures... Jorge Rando Foundation, Málaga, 2018. Text by Vanesa Diez Barriuso and Jorge Rando. 

- The Birth of Colour. Can Something that Already Exists be Born? Jorge Rando Foundation, Málaga, 2017. Text by Vanesa Diez Barriuso and Jorge Rando.

- Rando, una mirada literaria. VVAA. Ediciones del Genal, Málaga, 2017.

- Encounter Jorge Rando - Carlos Ciriza. Jorge Rando Foundation, Málaga, 2016. Text by Vanesa Diez Barriuso and Carmen Pallarés. 

- Encounter Ernst Barlach - Jorge Rando. Jorge Rando Foundation, Málaga, 2015. Text by Vanesa Diez Barriuso and Heike Stockhaus. 

- Thoughts and Reflections. RANDO, Jorge. Jorge Rando Foundation, Málaga, 2014. 

- Begegnung Käthe Kollwitz - Jorge Rando. Jorge Rando Foundation, Málaga, 2014. Text by Carmen Pallarés.

- The Ascetic Gaze in Paiting. University of Málaga, Málaga, 2010. Text by Enrique Castaños, Antonia María Castro, Rosa Martínez de Lahidalga, Juan Maldonado, Carmen Pallarés and Julia Sáez-Angulo. 

- The Hamburg Notebooks. RANDO, Jorge, Victor y Fills, Madrid, 2010. 

- The Force of Expression. Málaga City Council, Málaga, 2008. Text by Enrique Castaños, Carmen Pallarés and Julia Sáez-Angulo. 

- Passion in the Paintings of Jorge Rando. Unicaja Foundation, Málaga, 2008. Text by María Ángeles Calahorra, Enrique Castaños, Carmen Pallarés and Juan Antonio Paredes. 

- Maternities. 1997-2006, Unicaja Foundation, Málaga, 2007. Text by Enrique Castaños.

- Rando: Scribblings. BARNATÁN, Marcos Ricardo, Trea, Gijón, 2007.

- More Light! Harshness and Clarity in the Paintings of Jorge Rando. PALLARÉS, Carmen et al., Trea, Gijón, 2007.

- Rando: Landscapes of Painting. PALLARÉS, Carmen and MARTíNEZ DE LAHIDALGA, Rosa, Síntesis, Madrid, 2005.

- Theology of Expression. SALAS GALLEGO, Rafael, Cajasur Foundation, Cordoba, 2005. 

- Soulful Colour. PALLARÉS, Carmen, Faunas Gallery, Madrid, 2004. 

- Rando, the Poetics of Expression. Carlos de Amberes Foundation, Madrid, 2003. 

- Jorge Rando, Painting and Spirituality. CADENA, Josep M., Ignacio de Lassaletta Gallery, Barcelona, 2002

- Can we paint life? Jorge Rando. Nova Gallery, Málaga, 2001. 

- The Swallows and the Sea. SALAS GALLEGO, Rafael. Ilustrations by Jorge Rando, Sagama, Málaga, 1999. 

- Jorge Rando. A look at the past and the present. SALAS GALLEGO, Rafael, Porticus Gallery, Málaga, 1998.